Siddhartha: The version of mine

After reading half of the book “Siddhartha” by Hermann Hesse, I wrote a chapter about what happened after Siddhartha left Kamala behind. You can consider it as a fanfiction if you want to.
The reason why I want to share this small writing of mine with you guys is because I want to show you one of my precious works. I love writing, especially creative writing, but most of the time, they force me into writing essays and analytical works at school. I want to write a book some day. Not really a book, but story. Many stories. Until then, I have to work hard. Improve my writing skills and vocabulary.
Well, here it is:


 Vanesh the prince

Siddhartha walked through the streets, said goodbye to the people he met, said goodbye to gambling, said goodbye to the things he saw every day in the past twenty years. He walked through the forest, far away from the city, and said goodbye to the city and the Siddhartha who was there. He will never return, as if he will never see Kamala again.
As soon as he pass the forest, his anxiety raised. For a long time, he felt lost. The winds were blowing, and the stars were coming out, but still, he couldn’t find the path which was so clear when he decided to left.
Siddhartha kept moving forward as he was thinking. What can make him stay for a while? Who can be his next teacher? What can he learn? Soon, he reached the next destiny, the capital city. He has never lived in nor even saw a city this big. Sure, the last city was bustle and full of people, this capital city was even more astonishing and overcrowded. Seduced by the scale and the richness of the city, he decided to stay. “In those thousands of people down here, there must be someone or something worth learning”, he said.
He entered the great capital. The crowds were much bigger than he thought, the houses were much more fancy than he expected, and the palace was much more incredible than any building he had seen before. While wandering over the city, he saw the gamblers who reminded him of his old gambling partners. He saw a merchant who reminded him of Kamaswami. He saw a prostitute who reminded him of the beloved Kamala. “No”, he cried inside, “I can learn nothing from the street, not for now”.
He walked straight through the street, without looking, without thinking. Siddhartha now standing in front of a tall and vast palace decorated with many trees, marbles and golden decorations. Surrounded it was a huge wall and was protected by countless of guards outside. He wanted to go inside, to find out the differences between the insider and the outsider. People live in this castle must be very different, he thought.
He signed up to be a servant in the palace. Although he was old, his good-looking face and his cleverness got him in. Siddhartha was now in his mid-forties, and he was now a servant. He learned quickly, as usual, and he kept his ritual of thinking under the tree at midnight, as a way to remind himself not to relapse into the mistake he made last time. Everyone loved and adored him.
One day, when he was sweeping the golden leaves of the autumn off the library yard, he met Vanesh. Vanesh was eighteen, the only prince of the castle, the ruler’s son, the noble one. His eyes were bright and full of strength, his body was tanned and strong like a knight, his heart was pure and full of hope. Siddhartha saw that just like himself, this prince will become a different person, not like hundreds of other lazy royalties, but he will become a supreme one. Siddhartha was very curious about this young man.

“Excuse me, your highness, but where are you going in the middle of the day?”. “I’m going to the library to read some books. Who are you?”. “I’m Siddhartha, your highness, I’m the new servant here”. The prince asked again, “Do you know any book for me to read, Siddhartha? I can see that you are an well-educated man. Why is an well-educated man ended up here?”
Then Siddhartha told the young prince his story, details by details. They sat down under a mango tree in the garden, and the stories just keep flowing out of Siddhartha’s mouth, bit by bit, gently as the autumn wind blowing by the rivers, through the mountains, over the seas. Vanesh sat there, listened, asked a question or two, fascinated by the world out there. Vanesh felt the cold and pain of the Samanas, tasted the sweetness of the river’s water, seduced by Kamala’s beauty. The world, to him, was never so lively and interesting like that before. It has been a long time since Siddhartha talked that much, and also a long time since the prince listen for that long. When Siddhartha finished his story, it was midnight. Vanesh thanked Siddhartha for the story, Siddhartha thanked the prince for the pleasure. They went to bed.
The next morning, Siddhartha met the prince. The prince said “I thought about your story last night, and there are still many things I don’t understand, and many things I want to learn more. Siddhartha, can you be my teacher?”

Well, that’s all I have for now. I know that I need a lot of improvement, but in the long run, I hope that I can create more works like this

Gif gif gif


Haiku – Truly Japan

You’ve probably heard of Haiku before – a Japanese poetic style. If you belong to the 1% of the world who don’t know what this Haiku thing is, pay attention:

What is Haiku?
“Haiku is a very short form of Japanese poetry
…Traditional haiku consist of 17 on (translated as “syllables”), in three phrases of 5, 7, and 5 on respectively…
In Japanese, haiku are traditionally printed in a single vertical line while haiku in English often appear in three lines to parallel the three phrases of Japanese haiku.” (Wikipedia)
Haiku’s topics are often about nature: trees, plants, seasons, animals,…
Modern Haiku don’t often follow the 5-7-5 rule, but still be able to keep the cleanness and shortness of the classic style.

These are some of my favorite English Haiku. I love how they can turn short sentences into big paintings. Most of these are Japanese authors’ works translated to English.

I kill an ant
and realize my three children
have been watching.

– Kato Shuson


Don’t weep, insects –
Lovers, stars themselves,
Must part.

– Kobayashi Issa


First autumn morning
the mirror I stare into
shows my father’s face.

– Murakami Kijo


I had also made some Haiku. Even though I am not a professional, I found it very stress-relieving and vocab-improving, so… Here they are!

When the blossoms bloom
And pink took over the world
Mortals can’t resist

Flowers, the beauties
Giving their youth to one king
Fuji, the mighty



Autumn breezes blow
Every trees put on make-up
Beauty queens, they’ll be

Well, that’s all I have for today
Here’s the gify goofy





anime kawaii nintendo eating kirby
Me 1 hour ago


Dive deep down

If you have ever met me in person, you’ll know that I’m a talkative, enthusiastic girl who is always full of energy and optimistic.

I got to say that sometimes I’m not that good with expressing my feelings.

I talk a lot, but that doesn’t make me more honest than the quiet guy who is sitting next to me. I talk a lot, but only 50% of my words are real, and there are 400% more  that wanted to be out loud, but decided to stay in my head.

“Despite my empty mouth, the words are in my mind”

-Adele, “First love”-



I don’t know. Every time I show people my true self, they told me to stop acting, and to stop pretending, even though that’s my true form. How irony is that? I came to realize that everyone is wearing a mask. No, not one mask, but many masks. Depends on where they are, when they are, and who they are with, their masks will be different. Humans are just like color-changing lizards – adapt into the environment, keep surviving.

I kept asking myself, why do we call out others’ “fake faces”? We might treat this person differently than we the others. We might act differently when we are here and there. Why are they considered fake faces? All of our faces are real. They are just different sides of your that build up the person you are now.

I have been seeking for THE person: the one who can understand me, show me their deepest, truest “face”, and make me show out mine. But the more I look, the more I realize that there is no one, rather than myself, that you I can comfortably show that face to. The deepest, darkest, ugliest, and also prettiest part of mine, I must keep it to myself. To treasure it, and to remind me of whom I am. 

Well, I’m being deep for too long.

Let’s make it a wrap for today

Here’s your gif gif giffy

Life Hacks! (Part 2)


I’m back with the life hacks. I posted the first blog 1 year ago, and I figured out that I should update it a bit (and not because I’m out of topic to write about)

Source: Lifehack

  1. Did you know that the keyboard is even dirtier than the toilet?…
    88 before you throw away a post it
  2. Especially when you are in Vietnam… Car crashes and traffic accidents are everywhere

keep a card like this

3. House works house works house works

use a clean dust pan


4. This one is truly a life saver

put pancake mix in a ketchup bottle


5. Don’t you hate it when the cables just twist and tangled and all over the place?

use paper clips to organize your cables


6. I used to carry a small chair with me just in case

turn an old bottle into a simple little cord holder


7. Works with water color bottles, too (example: Acrylics)

place a rubber band around an open paint can to wipe your brush on


8. My freezer is on the 4th floor….

50 pounds of groceries and living on the 5th floor


9. Summer is almost over, but popsicles are seasonless

the right way to eat a popsicle


10. I had no idea… This is the best one I swear

a frozen saturated sponge in a bag


Well, that is it for today

and don’t forget your gif gif gif

clean animation cartoons cartoon network warner brothers
Me when my brother swear….
